Happy. Moved. Focused

Healthy and fit through the year - get active yourself!

Dopamine is considered one of the most important happiness hormones and is stimulated by movement. Here, the Klosterberg impresses with its competence in movement - the outdoor and indoor sports programmes are true happiness boosters. Especially with yoga, Qi Gong or a unit of functional gymnastics, guests get into the right mental mood. Fresh air and warming rays of sun additionally influence dopamine production.

Guided hikes. Nordic Walking.

Sports training is an absolute necessity to prevent back problems, cardiovascular diseases or obesity. Of course, you don't have to become a top athlete. Exercise in moderation, but regularly. Physical performance can be divided into endurance, strength, flexibility, coordination and speed. Endurance training strengthens the most important muscle in our body, the heart. It also melts fat deposits, lowers resting and working heart rates and strengthens the immune system.


Hatha Yoga. Qi Yoga. Qi Gong.

At rest within oneself. This aspect is the focus during the fasting sessions. Yoga with hiking is also offered during the well-being summer.
Experienced yoga teachers design the programmes on the Klosterberg, so that beginners and experienced people can join in.


Singing bowl meditation. Walking meditation. Muscle relaxation according to Jacobson. Short meditation.

Find stillness and recharge your batteries. Different types of meditation invite you to do this. For beginners, they offer a good opportunity to familiarise themselves with these techniques. Practised meditators can deepen their practice and enrich it with new aspects.


Line Dance. Belly Dance. Dance workout.

Dancing as a sport promotes muscle development, motor skills, coordination and the sense of balance. The dance workout at Klosterberg is all about having fun, especially when dancing a combination of rhythmic movements to Latin American music.


Fitness room. Functional gymnastics. Water gymnastics. Movement lecture.

Strengthening functional gymnastics combined with Theraband, fascia rolls and modern sports equipment as well as valuable tips for your own training and nutrition in everyday life. Individual running and swimming training. To prevent back problems, the strength of the back muscles is of particular importance. A well-developed muscle corset strengthened by strength training and gymnastics gives the spine the necessary stability, the posture becomes upright and graceful.


Individual fitness training.

To cater for personal leisure sport activities, our personal fitness coach Simon offers the perfect complement. Individual fitness training to maintain or improve health and physical performance - whether in fitness, crawling or running.


  • Geführte Wanderungen
  • Nordic Walking
  • Wassergymnastik
  • Funktionsgymnastik (Wirbelsäule, Beckenboden, MFT Körperstabilisationstraining, Die fünf Tibeter, Feldenkrais)
  • je eine Einheit Line Dance, Tanzworkout, Bauchtanz, Qi Yoga
  • Progressive Muskelentspannung - nach Jakobson
  • Meditation

Fit & in Form

Neben unserem umfangreichen Bewegungsprogramm bieten wir auch mobee fit - Beweglichkeitschecks zur Beurteilung der Wirbelsäule und körperlichen Beweglichkeit an, auf deren Ergebnis individuelle Übungen zusammen gestellt werden. Lauftraining, Individuelles Schwimmtraining mit Kraulen und Brustschwimmen und Ernährungsmedizinische Einzelberatungen komplettieren das vielfältige Angebot. Nähere Infos sind hier zu finden.